
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Social Media Icon Mad

I was looking for a skype icon yesterday so I could put it in the footer of my website - but I wanted it to be the same style as the other social media icons I use, like facebook, twitter and youtube.




But I quickly found out that there were a million beautiful free styles of social media icon to choose from! I was so pleased with what I found and I am sure I will use them all in the future.

Some of my favourites;

Small skype icon

3d Linkedin Icon

Twitter bird bursting through the page

Youtube icon painted effect
See what icons I chose on my website, I love them!

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Wisestamp Signature

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser
wisestamp signature (try the links, they all work)

I created my wisestamp signature! So important to include in the numerous emails that anyone may send daily and adds that extra touch to your brand! Using a signature with the various links to social media reinforce your brand and encourage readers to check out the various profiles you may have online. Every succesful business has a powerful signature like this.

Good luck being creative and creating your own free wise stamp!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Monday 27 February 2012

Top Essentials For Good Web Design

I am now studying for my graded unit to finally get my HNC in June so its important for me to continue to learn and write ABOUT the concepts I have learned!
SO this is as much for you as it is for me :)

1. Colour is everything! - Understand colour what ity evokes in people, understand colour schemes; and if you dont know what youre doing, pick a colour scheme from  or

2. Font! Choose the correct typeface for the work you are doing, consider the target audience, ie older generation use a larger typeface. Consider, weight, kerning and leading.

3. Layout! lay yout design out so the design follows a visual hierarchy with the most important thing drawing your eye first in a logical way.

4. Good web design is crap.

C. - contrast
R. - repetition
A. - allignment
P. - proximity

p.s. i got a new keyboard, I couldnt live with the one I had anymore and I feel like smashing it up. Don't know if it was my pc or because the keyboard was wireless. Hey Ho!

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Sunday 26 February 2012

Filming this week!

Hi sorry I havent been blogging the last few days but I had builders banging away next door and couldnt get anything done so I tended to stay away from the PC. I also need a wired keyboard, I have had nothing but trouble with this wireless thing since the moment I got it, and I'm on the second one already!

Today being Sunday though, I have finally been able to sit down and get some peace without the builders, but keyboard is being a pain.

So, next Friday I am due to film the Murder she wrote spoof for my clients website Helen Evans, and her website will be up and running fully functional by the end of March. (Read the treatment - here. )

I also have the most beautiful typewriter, that my friend remembered she had, and also then got a call to say that someone else had one in response to an ad I placed!  Typical!

Here is the typewriter -

imperial 200 typewriter

I am so looking forward to filming, I worked so hard  on my script and theme so I am sure its gonna be a huge hit!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Thursday 23 February 2012

Creative Thursday!

Today I am looking into several packages of e-commerce, site hosting, and url for my new client a jewellery company, called itso rocks. I have decided to do the site in Wordpress.

A. For me to learn new skills in that area
B. To enable the client to choose to carry on with the site using Wordpress in the future

I hope to find a package that allows for stock control, discounts and offers, with a static navbar, and completely customisable layout and colours.

Its a big ask as the cot for this will then decide the full budget.

Lorraine MacDonald, my partner in crime, is in charge of the visual design side of things and is someone I would highly recommend as her skills in creativity are amazing.

She also has an online shop - Jolly Wolly - check it out, vintage, and t-shirts.

We plan to have our clients new website up in April, and I will be discussing everything here!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Changed My Website

Yet again I have changed my website, I am never happy with it.
I find it easier to understand someone else's target market and know what kind of design their website should have.

In the case of For want of a better word, the design is quite simply like a newspaper and hopefully a quality one at that!
Forwantofabetterword - courses
It's clean, simple and modern.

Then I think about mine and I hate it, I am not happy with the design one bit! What is the best way to present a folio of work? Is there a best way?

I hope to continue learning at the very least and then hopefully gain some insight into how to present myself to the big wide world.

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Monday 20 February 2012

Flash Animation - Reverse Animations!

I'm not yet at the stage of Pixar animations but, I have been playing around with it as its another unit I have to cover for HNC Interactive Media.

I have created a short cartoon - where it looks like I'm drawing the cartoon from scratch! (if only)

1. I took a line drawing from Google
2.In Adobe Flash I went to File - Import - Import to stage
3. With arrow tool selected I went to Modify - Break Apart
4. Now using rubber tool rub out small part of image
5. F6 key on keyboard to add new key frame each time
6. Rub out entire image ( had lots of frames at this stage)
7. Using arrow tool select first key frame, hold shift and last key frame to select all frames
8. Right click on last key frame and select reverse frames!
9. Change the FPS (frame per second) to 12- below timeline
10. Select window - actions or f9 - then enter stop ();
11. Export to avi file!

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Sunday 19 February 2012

Pinterest - online pin board

I joined Pinterest the other day and at first I wasn't sure what it was all about, its different from any other type of social media out there.  Its an online pin board for things you like.

Pinterest is addictive, it helps you keep organized through virtual pin boards of images you see while browsing the web, and I like to be organized.
a few of my pinterest boards

I pin everything I see now! I pin clothes I want, places I like, hair, nails, websites, the list is endless! Never again will I lose a recipe I find online :)

Check mine out ->

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Saturday 18 February 2012


I've decided to start again with PHP. There's no reason we can't be friends - I just can't speak its language yet. Visited many a website today for inspiration and the gods at 123 have helped me with my mail script!! 

However at this stage all it does is send the email, it does not yet construct the message with the required information :(

Anyway I am now going to take a break from PHP and focus on the short film I'm going to have to make on the 2nd March!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Friday 17 February 2012

contact us php issues

Im having problems with my php contact form, it may be that my server is with 123reg but i have tried and failed with several forms, even put up someone elses website to see if the form might send something and nothing works.

what a frustrating time as some other people take to php so easily! I am hoping I can conquer this battle soon either that or I may never even understand the concept.

If anyone can help its for my clients website and maybe use firePHP to check what my problem is??
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Thursday 16 February 2012

Murder she wrote spoof

As part of one of my units at college I'm  doing a short video for my clients website. I'm still desperately needing some 1920's props, like the typewriter above as its integral to the story.

Here is my treatment on the film 'Terminology' as I have called it.

The video is a spoof on Murder She Wrote. Showing Helen Evans copywriting extraordinaire, styled like Angela Lansberry at her typewriter in the Murder She Wrote introduction.

The motion picture starts off in black and white to emphasise words, selling copywriting services. The character Helen Evans is introduced working in a 1920’s-1950’s office typing on a typewriter. Helen is typing a series of old marketing terms that don’t work in today’s market but are still frequently used, think no1, market leading. Camera focuses on the paper that’s pulled out of the typewriter and shows the bad copywriting terms that have been used, a scream is heard.

            The film then changes to full Technicolor, think Wizard of Oz, showing Helen at a PC as the Murder She Wrote Introduction theme tune begins to play. The camera pans from left to right showing Helen at a laptop, then at her I-pad, then at a whiteboard teaching a class, and then again at the I-pad when the Murder she wrote theme tune fades out and camera zooms in on Helen and she begins to address the viewer.

            Helen discusses the benefits of copywriting and gives tips and hints that may be useful.

            She shows us a good example of copywriting and discusses why this is good. (apple’s advert for notebook)

Powered by a dual-core Intel engine. Up to five times the speed of the PowerBook G4. Eight times the graphics bandwidth. With built-in iSight for instant video conferencing on the move. Front Row with Apple Remote to dazzle everyone in the room. Now available in 15- and 17-inch models starting at just $1999.

            Then the camera focuses back on Helen and she asks if you still can’t write copy maybe you should hire her, the professional.

Let me know your thoughts on the treatment, and if you can help me out with any kind of typewriter I would be forever in your dept!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Wednesday 15 February 2012


Almost completed my first clients website. Just got to do the meta tags for the final page and get it uploaded to her website.
I am also recording a video for the website and as its about copywriting i am doing a spoof of murder she wrote. Here is the url for my clients website. note the website is still on my server; 
I have w3c validation for my clients website and hope to start on a new project in the next week or so. Coding for a jewellery website!

If you would like to reach me for any reason use the email address below.
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Saturday 11 February 2012

Nails and fashion

nail tutorial
love this been trying to do my own nails like this following this tutorial on youtube want to go for the 70's look and just bought a fur gilet from ebay. loving several other blogs 4 inspiration, magpie girl and flashes of style.

60s bride
jane fonda love her jumper

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