
Thursday 29 March 2012

Website testing

Can you spare a few minutes to test a website?

 I need a few minutes of your time to test this website out for me, the url is

It needs testing across a variety of browsers and I would appreciate all feedback.



Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Easter Break But Work Is Never Over

Luckily college is over now until the 17th of April. Though I am not planning to take it easy.
I have a full timetable set out of things I need to study for the dreaded graded unit test on teh 2nd of May, the date is ever looming over my head and I just cannot wait to get it over with.

I am almost finished the Game Designer's website -
The design is ready to allow for more additions in the future.
It is set so that the initial first image not only has a hover effect but can be clicked to get through to another page so the rest of the projects images can sit beneath it.

This allows future projects to go on the homepage and allow room for bigger size images on the next following html pages.

Please feel free to visit the website.

Once this website is complete I plan to take on a redesign for a website. The website already  has an advertising spend on Google which is costing a small fortune on pay per click per month.

I plan to change this so the website has the relevant keywords mixed throughout the content and reduce the spend. I will take this project on around mid April and do a complete re-design once the college course is complete.

The re-design should only take 40 hours, but I do need to check if the client has the funds to pay for my time, as I do need to eat! haha
check out the website
Dont forget to visit my website too, I update all the time!
Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Thursday 22 March 2012

First Clients Site is on the college server!

Its a proud moment for me as the url for forwantofabetterword is now available through my college server, for a limited time, until SQA mark my work.

The URL to visit is

This is my first live clients website, I am responsible for the build of it. As some regular readers may know I am hosting this on my server on a subdomain at the moment though there are plans in the summer to set the actual url to a server.

Please do visit the website and let me know your thoughts!

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Saturday 17 March 2012

Non website creativeness - Happy St Patricks Day

Im half irish n half dutch on my dads side so I like to celebrate my roots, its also my nephews first birthday today and cant wait to go visit him.

I have been busy studying for my final exams in may and amnt looking forward to it one bit.
Its a beautiful day today and as soon as I get some IT application things done for my course I am heading out into the sunshine!

without further ado...

loveheart nails

My St Paddys Day Look
polka dot nails
Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Wednesday 14 March 2012

National STOP Smoking Day Today

I HATE smoking... but I was a smoker for long enough and always said I wanted to stop when I turned 21.

It was only when I turned 25 that I felt able to stop and I finally quit on the 20.11.11 which right now is 17 weeks ago.

I hate the smell now, if someone is smoking near me or has been smoking I cant stand being around then and physically recoil at the smell.

The government released a statement saying there were less low birth weight babies born to non smoking mothers because of the ban of smoking in public places and that says it all.

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Tuesday 13 March 2012

SEO - search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation is all about organic search engine listing. So when you add content to a webpage, update the meta tags in the header so they match the content.

So many companies out there offer search engine optimisation, as if they have some sort of secret that the rest of us dont know about and its not like that.

Its all about the links within your text, the content of the page, ensuring you add an 's' onto the end of some word's' for example in case the user at the other end puts in the 's' to find a whole lot of items containing that search term.

There is no point in stuffing keywords into meta tags that aren't relevant to your content, sure the user may click on to the page but will soon click away when they find they have been tricked into coming to the website.

These days SEO and pay per click go hand in hand. I detest pay per click. I always ignore those annoying boxes at the top of Google when I search for something because its never 100% relevant. Some marketing person has plucked it out of thin air and not thought of the consequences. However, if you do click on the page from that link - they get charged, and its an extortionate rate.

Social media is the new SEO. If people are talking about you then this increases the likeliness of people arriving on your website and increasing your ranking.

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

Sunday 11 March 2012

Pesky IE, Game Design Website

I started work on a new web design a few weeks ago for my client Jay Biros.
Jay is a game designer who needed a portfolio website as he graduates in June, same as me.
I find the website works in all browsers, except pesky IE.

I mean who uses Internet Explorer anyway, apart from most of my readers *cough*. .

IE is crap. Its the guy sitting in the corner eating a pot of glue whilst Chrome and Firefox fight it out.

Anyway heres a snapshot of the site, I dont want to get ahead of myself by providing the url in case its still buggy.

Ok, ok the links below the image!  but its only to the link on my page so there thats all youre getting for now.
Feedback would be welcomed!
Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser