
Thursday 29 March 2012

Easter Break But Work Is Never Over

Luckily college is over now until the 17th of April. Though I am not planning to take it easy.
I have a full timetable set out of things I need to study for the dreaded graded unit test on teh 2nd of May, the date is ever looming over my head and I just cannot wait to get it over with.

I am almost finished the Game Designer's website -
The design is ready to allow for more additions in the future.
It is set so that the initial first image not only has a hover effect but can be clicked to get through to another page so the rest of the projects images can sit beneath it.

This allows future projects to go on the homepage and allow room for bigger size images on the next following html pages.

Please feel free to visit the website.

Once this website is complete I plan to take on a redesign for a website. The website already  has an advertising spend on Google which is costing a small fortune on pay per click per month.

I plan to change this so the website has the relevant keywords mixed throughout the content and reduce the spend. I will take this project on around mid April and do a complete re-design once the college course is complete.

The re-design should only take 40 hours, but I do need to check if the client has the funds to pay for my time, as I do need to eat! haha
check out the website
Dont forget to visit my website too, I update all the time!
Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
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Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

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