
Saturday 14 April 2012

Cr8:v-design (Brigid Visser's) Creative Web Design Projects

To date I have completed a number of web design tutorials and websites for live clients.

In The Beginning

The fictional Cante Risorante - 

page web site tutorial I followed

Cante Ristorante Home Page

The Fictional Shears Design -

5 page website design tutorial I followed online.

Shears Design Home Page
Ck Massage - 

CK massage is a real company that I contacted to see if I could do a few mock pages for a website for them.
Ck Therapies
Then when I began college in September 2011 we were given various web tutorials to follow.

Check Magazine -

We were only required to complete the Home page for this exercise.
It included a 3 column layout below an image with text centred to the far left.

Check Magazine Home
Health Website -

As part of a group exercise including myself, Ross, Sophie and Daniel we came up with Healthline.

A contemporary website design that was targeted at women who were interested in finding out more information on how to be healthier.

Healthline Home Page

Clients: Creative Website Creations

Forwantofabetterword Copywriting Services

For want of a better word was the creation of Helen Evans, my Communications lecturer at Jewel And Esk College. She needed a website to sell her skills as a copywriter.

The website was a 7 page design based on a newspaper style of layout, including the colours and images that were used.

For want of a better word home

Jay Biros Game Design -

Jay Biros is a game designer living in the US who needed a portfolio website design to act as  a cv (or resume if you are American).
The website design focuses on a static navigational bar that sits on the left hand side, and the user can scroll from top to bottom to view his work.
Go to

Jay Biros Contact Page

Jay Biros Home Page

The Present

I have my final examination on all my studies in just over two weeks time, I won't say the date yet in case I jynx it! I hope to at least pass the exam as I have been so busy with other commitments recently the studying has been put on the back burner and I feel really bad about that.

The next big project is a re-design which I mentioned in a previous blog post. 
I am properly free from June so if you also need a creative web design then contact CR:8v-design!

If you have any questions on anything in my blog don't hesitate to get in touch with me! 

Thanks for reading! 
Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
Facebook Twitter Blogger YouTube
Contact me: Skype brigid.visser

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