
Monday 2 April 2012

Start of the Working Week

Its Monday morning and so far haven't been all that productive. The sky is dark and threatening to burst any moment and release (much needed rain) depression.

I find I feel positive when the sun is out and I'm out in it absorbing that vitamin D. I suppose on the other hand this weather keeps me indoors and focused.

However today is Monday and its back to the rat race for most, except me I'm off for Easter holidays. So I should start studying and what not, I got as far as making a timetable last week, and haven't looked at it again. Dedication. Oh yeah.

I have managed to print out a whole load of study material to take away with me when we go away to the (hopefully) sunny loch awe in Argyll.

If you can and have just a few moments this morning to spare then please give generously. I need to cross some t's and dot some i's with final testing of
Please click on the link above and make your way to

Youre donation of time is very much appreciated.

Brigid Visser
Professional, creative, media design from CR8:V-Design.
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