
Friday 6 September 2013

Top Bloggers! Je T'aime

I read a lot of blogs. I have had so much glorious time to nurse and enjoy my young baby girl and enjoy other people's joy who I feel I have lots in common with. There is definitely a theme with blogs I read. I enjoy following people in my own niche, new mummies with a passion for life. These are but a snap shot of my favourite blogs who I recommend you check out!

Actually inspired me more than ever in so many ways, I love her style, I loved her long hair (which is now short), I love that she's married and living in Ireland (I'm part Irish too!) but she's also part American. She's a year younger than I am and also has a YouTube beauty channel and does a daily vlog with her husband, 6 dogs, and her little girl Emilia. She's also pregnant again! I am so pleased for her and her family and cannot wait to read her week by week maternity blog posts again.

I began messaging Kaya through Instagram recently and found we have so much in common, we both have daughters born in October and only a few weeks apart as well. She speaks honestly and openly and is refreshing to read. I love that she speaks about breastfeeding and attachment parenting and the trials and tribulations of new motherhood!

 I found Jessica through Pinterest back in my early pregnancy. She was known widely as the chalkboard lady! Haha. I am in awe of her and her daughter Harper. Harper has the most wicked style ever! I adore her baby moccasins. Jessica is a fan of any kind of holiday and has inspired me to see that there is more be found and celebrated in almost every day.

I remember Marissa's very first blog post back in February 2012 as I had just found out I was pregnant myself it was so nice to find someone who was just beginning their blogging and baby journey all in one. I absorbed her maternity styling and it quickly became so much fun to style and enjoy my own pregnancy. I still love her blog and follow her on Instagram too. Her baby girl is adorable btw!

I found Erin on Instagram, and know her as Candykirbydesigns. Erin is so creative and makes the most stunning baby leggings which I adore but sadly don't yet own for Eva. Erin has 3 kids under 3 which is just amazing in itself but she has so much energy and passion for life that it really rubs off in her writing and inspires me everytime.

Sierra is another lady who started blogging when I first discovered  was pregnant and I enjoyed her maternity posts so much. It was nice to discover things in my pregnancy as she did in hers. 
She has a beautiful baby boy now and I think she does a great job both in blogging and in motherhood.

In a change to mummy blogs may I introduce Barefoot Blonde. I discovered Amber Fillerup a long time ago and love reading this girl's beauty blog. She inspires me to take better care of my body and has a wonderful sense of style. She is now newly married and it has been so nice to see her share such intimate moments in her new life as part of a married couple.


  1. You are just too sweet!
    You were one of my first followers :)

    1. Yay! I loved following your journey through pregnancy and birth and now you have a sweet one year old! Amazing. xx
