Tuesday 29 April 2014

Why Am I A Stay-At-Home-Mum??

I feel like these days, society expects women to be able to do it all. You can have a family, a nice house, a husband, home cooked meals every night, sterling social life and a fantastic career to boot. It's like since we asked for the ability to have careers, women now are thought to be superwomen and staying at home is not enough and without a career or your own money "its just not good enough".

Martin and I decided long ago that my focus, my career if you will, would be raising my family and doing it myself with Martin there for evenings and weekends. We don't want some nursery or playgroup to provide our child with the time she needs from us, though don't get me wrong we have thought about it! Children need to be with their main caregiver at home, learning, playing and receiving love from them. I fully understand some women who feel they need to go back to work to provide for their children or they can't do without a second wage coming in, but we decided we would make major cut backs in life so we could afford to do things this way.

I feel like when I tell people my status of home maker/ stay at home mum/full time mum, they think I'm some second class citizen or I've no education hence why I do nothing but raise Eva. Screw them and their small mindedness!

The plan for now is to raise our family while we're young and fit and then I can either follow my path in web design and interactive media by going to university or finding work and earning my own money.

For now I try to be the best mother I can to Eva and teach her good values. I cook everyday which I love doing, I deliberate over what baby items we need to buy, I scour websites on ways to save money and then go out for coffee, usually decaf these days, haha, I'm not perfect! Eva goes to creche Monday while I go to antenatal swimming class, Tuesday and Wednesday are our days for cleaning or general appointments, Thursdays Eva is at creche while I attend a PND counselling session, and Fridays we did used to go to Bookbug and we still try to but this is when I have midwife or hospital OB appointments so we haven't gone as much as I'd like to. Guilt again!

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